3 research outputs found

    En skÄdespelare som alla andra: levda erfarenheter av rasifiering och desorientering i vita teaterrum

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    The aim of this thesis is to highlight how gender and racialisation shapes lived experiences within the Swedish theatre context. The study is based on interviews with four non-white actors working or studying in Sweden. To interpret the material from the interviews I use narrative analysis and draw on Sara Ahmed’s queer phenomenology and its concept of orientation. I use a phenomenological perpective on gender and race, along with theories of racialisation and representation when analysing the material. My study shows that the informants experience the theatre as a white space, which disorientates their non-white bodies. Racialisation and disorientation happens when the white bodies that inhabit the theatre space denies non-white experiences and make them invisible. The production of stereotypical representations of non-white bodies on the theatre stage works as a process of othering, which creates further disorientation. In order to change the theatre space non-white bodies has to arrive to and inhabit them and thus enable orientation for themselves and non-white bodies arriving after them

    Diskursen som styr den fria kulturen: en analys av politik och meningsskapande i finansieringsprojektet Kulturbryggan

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    I uppsatsen vill vi undersöka den makt som utövas i kulturpolitiken. Det Ă€r angelĂ€get för statsvetenskaplig forskning att studera kulturpolitik, dĂ„ kulturen inte kan sĂ€rskiljas frĂ„n resten av samhĂ€llet. Syftet med uppsatsen Ă€r att undersöka hur finansieringsprojektet Kulturbryggan kan förstĂ„s i relation till nyliberal diskurs. DĂ„ Kulturbryggan delar ut bidrag till fria konstprojekt, vill vi Ă€ven undersöka vilka möjligheter som skapas för de sökande. Genom diskursanalys som teori och metod, samt teorier om den nyliberala diskursen, analyserar vi material frĂ„n Kulturbryggan samt intervjuer genomförda med personer som beviljats stöd. En slutsats vi drar av vĂ„r analys Ă€r att nyliberal styrningsmentalitet och ekonomisk rationalitet Ă€r reglerande för Kulturbryggan. VĂ„r analys visar hur detta gör att Kulturbryggan kan förstĂ„s som ett uttryck för den nyliberala diskursen. En annan slutsats Ă€r att möjliga handlingsutrymmen Ă€r kopplade till entreprenörskap snarare Ă€n till konstnĂ€rskap. Även detta kan ses som ett resultat av den nyliberala diskursen

    Fadern Àr alltid sÀker : FörÀldraskapsdiskurser i familjerÀttslig Àrendehantering av transnationella surrogatarrangemang

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    The aim of this thesis is to examine how discourses on parenthood are articulated and negotiated by social workers in Sweden, in relation to handling legal parenthood after transnational surrogacy. The study is based on interviews with eight different social workers from different parts of Sweden. To interpret the material from the interviews, I use discourse theoretical framework – combined with an understanding of the social workers as street-level bureaucrats. Other particular theoretical perspectives that have been important in my research include theories on kinship, concepts of bodily and genetic citizenship and neo-liberal discourse. My study shows that different perceptions of certain key concepts (such as social-, bodily- or genetic family ties) underpin the discourses of parenthood, depending on context. In my research I have found that the process of deciding who is the legal parent of a child born through surrogacy, challenge the presumption of motherhood, and instead the genetic and intended father remains the certain parent of the child